Materials science key to better healthcare says APTAR CSP Technologies

India Smart Packaging Solutions Summit Special

Aptar CSP activeshield
Aptar CSP activeshield

Innovations in material science are enabling groundbreaking solutions for a wide range of challenges that impact patient care and consumer experiences in healthcare. Some of the latest will be presented by Aptar CSP Technologies at the up-coming Indian Smart Packaging Summit on 19th March 2021.

The company,  leveraging 20 years+ of material science expertise, has developed unique, material science-based solutions that take advantage of its proprietary 3-Phase Activ-Polymer™ technology. This technology is fully custom-engineered and formulated to enable control of the kinetics of moisture adsorption, oxygen and VOC scavenging, antimicrobial emission, and more, it claims.

During the Indian Smart Packaging Summit Aptar CSP will explain how these technologies can help the Indian pharmaceutical sector, amongst others, to protect and preserve many of the drugs which need to be stored and transported over long distances in challenging conditions.

It is a technology that can be applied to solve challenges in a range of pharma-related application fields such as oral solid dose drugs, diagnostics, probiotics, transdermal, inhaled drugs, medical devices, as well as food safety.

Two examples of how this technology works include Activ-Blister™ technology for oral solid dose drugs and ActivShield™* (not available for sale in the USA) technology for N95 mask decontamination.

Activ-Blister™ Solutions: In the development of the oral solid doses – today’s most popular drug delivery form – there are stability issues associated with moisture, oxygen, and reactive impurities, resulting in the loss of potency or degradant growth. According to Aptar CSP, Activ-Blister™ solves these challenges by creating a microclimate for moisture and oxygen-sensitive capsules and tablets in individual blister cavities to extend shelf life and ensure stability.

This technology can be integrated into traditional blister packaging and enables drug developers to protect sensitive drugs that would normally require a cold-form foil solution in the preferred thermoform blister format.

Its 3-Phase Activ-Polymer™ technology has been applied to help resolve the shortage of N95 masks during the global COVID-19 pandemic. ActivShield™ emits a sterilizing agent that quickly, easily and safely decontaminates individual N95 masks, enabling repeated re-use when this needed personal protective equipment is in short supply.

The power of material science is undeniable and can be applied in multiple application fields to help improve patient and consumer experiences. Come and learn more by registering as a delegate for the India Smart Packaging Summit today.

Smart Packaging Solutions Virtual Congress -19 March 2021

The Smart Packaging Solutions for India and South Asia Virtual Congress on 19 March focuses on food and pharma supply chains, brand security, and sustainability. Organized jointly by IPPStar and the AIPIA, the virtual congress’s topics include brand authentication, condition monitoring, and active and intelligent packaging that contributes to the safe delivery of authenticated products leading to safety, security, and customer engagement. Please look at the agenda of the conference here, and for registration, please click here. You can also email Ruchi at or Umesh at Call us in Noida at 120-4546988 or 4326053 – Umesh at Xtension 30; Ruchi at Xtension 33; Gaurav at Xtension 23; and Mohit at Xtension 25.


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